It is worth knowing the biggest factor in disease is age. The older you get the sicker you get. The big killers: heart problems and cancer increase exponentially with age after 50 years old. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Our life span is definitely increasing but out health span is not. Operations and medication increase with the rise in disease and thus the quality of life takes a nose dive.
To know and understand the physiology, I urge you to read Life Span by David Sinclear, PhD. An extremely detailed account of scientifically demonstratable reasons for the association of age and disease. I will spare you the details but I will list the things you can do to increase your health span. There are drugs coming out on the market but normally drugs have an unwanted side effect. The natural things you can do are:
1. The most important is to adopt fasting regime and calorie reduction. Radically reduce the carbs. Have nutrient dense food with low calories.
2. Thermic hormesis ie sauna, cold showers, and ice baths (Epigenetically switching on good genes and switching off bad ones)
3. Infra red, to increase your mitochondria and ATP, protects against brain degeneration and super charges your cells with energy ( mitochondria, the cells power house decrease with age)
4. Breath work : To lock it all in and give you dominion over your body.
All these things we can facilitate for you at Wake Up and Thrive.
If you want to know how to change your life so that the last 30 years of your life isn’t a sufferance then come stay and learn how to put these things into your everyday life. Book a call and we are happy to discuss.
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